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Mad in Mexico
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Mad in America/MIA Global
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Mad in Mexico
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Artículos y Entrevistas
Mad in America/MIA Global
Mad in America/MIA Global
Mad in America/MIA Global
Mad in America
Do Depression Pills Improve Quality of Life?
What I’ve Learned about Tapering Psychiatric Drugs—A Holistic Therapist’s Perspective
Antidepressants Overprescribed to Post-Menopausal Women Despite Risks
The U.S. Disconnecting & Numbing Epidemic: The Culprit and Our Options
The Iatrogenic Gaze: How We Forgot That Psychiatry Could Be Harmful
Mad in Sweden
“Vad gör regeringen mot fattigfällor som drabbar oss med psykisk ohälsa?”
IVO sätts under lupp – Riksrevisionen granskar hanteringen av klagomål
Dagens ETC granskar: De larmar om sin adhd-medicin: ”Varför är jag såhär?”
“Den ‘häpnadsväckande’ ökningen av ångest hos barn är inte en mental hälsokris”
“Inga lovande biomarkörer” identifierade för ADHD
Mad in Brasil
Reduzir e parar medicamentos psiquiátricos para ajudar pacientes: Entrevista com ex PGI, a psiquiatra Swapnil Gupta.
Manual de Psiquiatria Crítica, Capítulo 8: Depressão e Mania (Transtornos Afetivos) (Parte Sete)
Inscrições para o Painel: Por que é tão Difícil Interromper os antidepressivos ?
Fitoterapia e Desmedicalização na Atenção Primária à Saúde: Um Caminho Possível?
Mad in America Convida para o Evento “Neuroplasticidade: Um Caminho para a Cura dos Sintomas de Abstinência Prolongada”
Mad in (s)Pain
Profesional enfermo. Nociones sobre la adherencia a los derechos humanos y la conciencia de profesional
Sufrimiento psíquico y neoliberalismo. ¿Cómo afrontar la crisis de salud mental?
El trauma del cuidado en salud mental, con Miriam
La psicosis como ficción, con Paula Tomé
Poema desde Trieste: Xanax (respirar a través de la poesía)
Mad in Canada
Review of “Beyond Reason. Chronicle of a personal experience of madness”
THIS WEEKEND! Neuroplasticity: A Path for Healing from Protracted Withdrawal Symptoms
Stop the madness! An indictment against the abuses in Belgian and Dutch psychiatry
Part 4 Neurodiversity: New paradigm or Trojan Horse?
Part 3: Neuro-authenticity, neuro-identities, and the neuro-industry
Mad in the UK
October 17th AD4E presents: An Audience with an Ally Professor Joanna Moncrieff
Last chance: ECT Survey open until September 30th
October 15th AD4E workshop: Somatic Parts work~ an IFS journey including the body
October 1st AD4E workshop: ‘Anxiety’ – from enemy to friend. Exploring a different relationship.
Working to Transmute the Pain: Why I Do the Work I Do
Mad in Italy
ULTIMI A CHI? Una sfida politica per i diritti degli utenti della salute mentale
Quando la prassi prevale sulla legge: Un campanello d’allarme per il sistema giuridico
Psicofarmaci – Sindrome da astinenza prolungata
La lezione è finita: la scuola dell’innovazione e altri deliri
Nessuno squilibrio chimico alla base dei disturbi psichici
Mad in Finland
Psykiatristen diagnoosien mahti – sairaanhoitajan raastava tarina Mad in Sweden-sivustolta
Tutkimus: traumainformoitu, ei-patologisoiva lähestymistapa muuttaa äänien kuulemisen kokemusta
Yle 08/-17: Sanna Pohjaniemi sai tukun psykiatrisia diagnooseja, kun ongelmien fyysistä syytä ei tunnistettu
Psykoterapian professori Jaakko Seikkulan haastattelu avoimen dialogin mallista Apu-lehdessä 04/-24
Psykologian tohtori Tomi Bergström kirjoittaa avoimen dialogin hoitomallista ja holistisesta ihmiskäsityksestä auttamistyön perustana 08/-24
Mad in Norway
Psykiatrien er ikke noe fag
Å respektere menneskets dødsønsker
Flere visninger av filmen The Recovery Channel
Fagkonferanse om menneskerettigheter og opphør av psykiatrisk tvang
Maja Thune inviterer til «Kjærlighet som medisin og boklansering»
Mad in Asia Pacific
The Rise of Digital Detox Retreats in Asia
The Impact of Casino Slots on Mood, Psychological State, and Overall Well-Being
From ‘user survivor’ to ‘person with psychosocial disability’: Why we are ‘TCI Asia’
Dehumanization Linked to Poorer Mental and Physical Health
No, Dr. Friedman: The Solution to Teen Suicide is Not So Simple